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- WLF mourns the sudden death of documentary filmmaker, poet, and social activist, Tarun Bhartiya.
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- ‘പ്രതിഷേധത്തിൻറെയും പ്രതികാരത്തിൻറെയും ചിഹ്നങ്ങളാണ് ഗോത്രകവിതകൾ’
- ഗസയിലെ സംഭവങ്ങൾ ന്യൂ നോർമലായി മാറി: ശശികുമാർ
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Tag Archives: Cherie
Sabin Iqbal and the fight against ‘Mid-Novel Crisis’
“Record your thoughts, try to read your heart, it is the only way good writing can be born,” writer and journalist Sabin Iqbal said, while discussing “Chronicler of common lives” at the Wayanad Literary Festival. He, alongside publisher Riya Zeta … Continue reading