This page is primarily meant to help those who got an email intimation announcing their selection of papers for the IAC @ WLF.
A. Please make sure you carefully choose the category you are offered to register. There are a total of six categories, so to avoid any confusion, please read the email you received carefully as to which category you got selected and make the payment accordingly. If you got your category wrong, please feel free to email us.
B. Categories & Registration:
Category 1: If you are a faculty selected for long talk (fifteen minutes, of which twelve minutes for presentation and three minutes for Q&A), please pay Rs. 2500/– as the registration fees for the International Academic Conference @ WLF.
Category 2: If you are a research scholar or student selected for long talk (fifteen minutes, of which twelve minutes for presentation and three minutes for Q&A), please pay Rs. 1500/– as the registration fees for the International Academic Conference @ WLF.
Category 3: If you are a faculty selected for speed talk (seven minutes, of which five minutes for presentation and two minutes for Q&A), please pay Rs. 1500/- as the registration fees for the International Academic Conference @ WLF.
Category 4: If you are a research scholar or student selected for speed talk (
seven minutes, of which five minutes for presentation and two minutes for Q&A), please pay Rs. 1000/- as the registration fees for the International Academic Conference @ WLF.
Category 5: If you are a faculty selected for poster presentation (standing by the poster on the allocated desk outside the conference room for the entirety of a particular session), please pay Rs. 1000/- as the registration fees for the International Academic Conference @ WLF.
Category 6: If you are a research scholar or student selected for poster presentation (standing by the poster on the allocated desk outside the conference room for the entirety of a particular session), please pay Rs. 500/- as the registration fees for the International Academic Conference @ WLF.
The bill for registration will be emailed to you on a system-generated email.
C. In order to get accepted into making your presentation at the conference, you will have to complete the registration process by November 25, 2024.
D. The next important deadline for you to keep in mind after registration is December 15, 2024 for the submission of the full paper.
E. Details on formatting,
style of submission etc for the submission of the full paper are as per the following:
Stylebook: MLA citations.
Font: Use a standard font like 12 pt Times New Roman or 11 pt Arial.
Line spacing: Use double line spacing.
Margins: Set 1 inch page margins.
Justification: Use left-aligned text as default and center-align only the title and the heading of the Reference section
Indentation: Indent every new paragraph ½ inch.
Headings: Adjust the font size and style between the various levels of headings. For example, use a bold 14-point font for section headings.
Citations: Cite each figure, table and movie in the text in numerical order.
Abbreviations: Define abbreviations at first mention.
Language: Ensure that the language in your manuscript is original and does not contain previously published passages of text.
Keywords: Use specific terms that define what your paper is about.
Figures: Put all display items on a white background, and avoid excessive boxing, unnecessary color, and highly pixelated computer drawings.
F. Food or accommodation is not included as part of the registration fees. The fees are collected to meet the cost of the conference.
G. Food court is available as part of the WLF, in the same compound as the academic conference.
H. The details of the stay options are available here:
Kindly make travel and lodging arrangements at the earliest to avoid the last minute rush.
I. Presenters of all papers are entitled to receive an IAC @ WLF certificate. Certificates of presentation will be issued at the conference itself.
J. Upon your submission of the final paper, post conference, the papers would go for peer review and the ones selected through this process would get published. Presentation of a paper at the conference is not a guarantee that it would in itself lead to the publication; the decision of publication of a paper lies with the subject area experts who decide if a given paper in its final submitted stage meets a certain quality. We are yet to make a decision if the publication would be online or in print. The decision would be made after the peer review.
K. There is no requirement from the academic conference presenters to take the delegate pass of the WLF. All sections of the litfest festival are free to attend for the IAC presenters. The IAC will be offering an “IAC Presenter” pass, a tote bag, notebook etc. for those who have registered for the academic conference, irrespective of the category.